Check an early years qualification

Use this service to:

  • check if an early years qualification achieved in England is approved as full and relevant by the Department for Education (DfE)
  • confirm if someone who holds this qualification can count in staff:child ratios at level 2, 3 or 6 in an early years setting in England

Before you start

To confirm if the qualification is full and relevant, this service will ask you:

  • where the qualification was awarded
  • the date the qualification was started and awarded
  • the level of the qualification
  • the awarding organisation

You will find it helpful to have the following documents: 

  • the qualification certificate 
  • the qualification transcript – this includes a list of the modules that were studied

Some qualifications have additional requirements which need to be met for the qualification to be considered full and relevant. This service will tell you if any additional requirements apply, and what these are.

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